About Us
Harvest Church, in South Croydon, has changed over the years since it began in 1992. Today we are more of a house church than a regular congregation.
Although we meet most Sundays at the Harvest Centre, we do not have a children's or youth programme at present.
If your cup of tea is a small adult group, with informal worship and Bible teaching, then maybe Harvest Church would suit you.
You can check us out by visiting our YouTube channel or watching us on Livestream on a Sunday.
Harvest Church was birthed in 1992 under the leadership of our current pastors, Ronnie and Pamela Campbell.
In 1993 we moved into the Harvest Centre and have used this as our base since that time.
At Harvest we have tried to focus on the church as a family, where relationships with God and each other are central.
We would be happy to be labelled 'evangelical' and 'charismatic' but with slippers!
We don't get hung up on too many traditions but passionately hold to the Bible as the inspired word of God ....
Jesus as the only way to a relationship with God ....
and the Holy Spirit as the necessary driving force in our lives
We are members of the Harvest Community Network.
Together for the Harvest!
Relationship and Kingdom Building need to be at the centre of any church that wants to authentically reflect the mission of Jesus. The Church needs to fulfil both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission inaugurated by Christ.
The Great Commandment is to 'Love God and our neighbour as ourselves'.
The Great Commission is to 'Go into all the world and make disciples'.
Our mission statement sums it up. We are 'Together for the Harvest'.
Our effectiveness in mission will be directly related to our relationship with the Living God and each other. For that reason Harvest seeks to be a family at war.
A family prepared to self sacrifice to build God's Kingdom in today's society.
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